Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

japan rules

I want this cat =)


Leave it to me to watch a parasite documentary while eating dinner and not be bothered.

Life would be perfect if not for this horrible weather. I mean 60 degrees in July? Abysmal. I'm severely scatter-brained today but looking forward to so many things. Movies with Ken Friday. Camping in Maine Saturday. Harry Potter midnight premiere next week.New Hampshire. Chicago for work. Meeting my long lost sisters. Vacation with Ken. And finally Paris in the fall =)

I'm trying so hard to prepare myself for grad school applications too. I'm a bit worried that due to this awesome economy everyone will be going back to school. Granted, the science industry hasn't been hit extremely hard yet, but I'm starting to see it happen. I'm just hoping that A- I get in a good grad program in Boston and B- They can pay me as a teaching aide or fellowship. I have plans or general outlines for alot of stuff I want to do in life, but its near-impossible to plan this. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best that someone sees I'm ready to dedicate my life to science.

Either way, even with all the uncertainty, this is the happiest I've been...ever. Especially happier than last summer, which was full of bad choices.
Wearing (fake) flowers in my hair today in hopes of conjuring the sun back to life.

think summer
think summer
think summer


So I just don't have time to stay up to date with the gaming world on this thing and work a full time job, so I'm making this thing just be for me. It will definately become 100% less interesting to anyone else, but oh well...I'm feeling a writing bug and this is already made, so here we go.